2021-09-16 - twin 1.21.0
New features
- You can now duplicate a group of 3d-objects to a single 3d-object
- Within scripts, inputs and outputs can be accessed by using their names
- Performance improvements in the Web-Rendering-Client
- Conveyors are showing an arrow when they are enabled
- Improved the mouse-move speed when moving shapes in the
Simulation Component Diagram
Fixed issues
- When dynamic movers are de-selected, the highlighting of the assosiated 3d-objects is now removed correctly
- Fixed an issue which causes the application to crash when text is moved by using drag & drop in the feeback window.
- When duplicating a group of 3d-objects as a single 3d-object, the resulting mass is now as expected
- Fixed an issue which causes a wrong window size when using the
Caputre Screenshot