This simulation component translates a dynamic 3D object (e.g. a piston rod of a cylinder) along a definable axis with a definable force and combines cylinder and valve.
When to use
Use this simulation component if you want to move a 3D object (e.g. a piston rod) relative to its parent (e.g. housing of a cylinder) along a linear axis with the defined force. The controlling is done by digital signals depending on the selected mode whether the cylinder should be simulated as MonoStable or BiStable.
How to use
Add this simulation component from the simulation component library.
At first select the 3D object which will be translated. Make that selection either in the 3D View
window or in the Assembly Structure
window using the select button near the property PistonRod
Then define the 3D object which should serve as a reference for the movement called Housing
After that define the translation axis either in the global or in the local coordinate system of the selected PistonRod
Finally you can define the TypeOfControlling
which indicates how the 3D object should be translated e.g. by setting the force of the movement.
The upper and lower limit defines the mechanical limits of the cylinder.
If the dynamic cylinder wobbles or oscillates, you can try to increase the minimum solver iterations for position and velocity.
These values can be found in the Rigid Body Simulation
tab in the settings.
Indicates the translation axis in the global coordinate system.
Indicates the translation axis in the local coordinate system of the selected PistonRod
. You first have to select the PistonRod
, before you can define the LocalTranslationAxis
The 3D object which will be translated. The rigid body behavior of this 3D object must be Dynamic
The 3D object which serves as a reference for the movement. If this 3D object is empty, the movement is relative to the world.
The rigid body behavior of this 3D object must be either Dynamic
, Static
or Kinematic
Indicates if the acting force of the PistonRod
can get overridden. If enabled, an input is available indicating the override. The used acting force is MaxForce * ProportionalOverride.
Indicates how the PistonRod
should be moved by e.g. applying a force.
A value in m indicating the initial position of the PistonRod
Indicates the lower limit of the translation in m.
Indicates the upper limit of the translation in m.
Indicates whether the cylinder should be simulated as MonoStable or BiStable. MonoStable means that the cylinder combined with a valve has only one stable state controlled by one single digital input. If the input ExtendCylinder
is set to TRUE, the piston rod moves to the upper limit. If the input is set to FALSE, the piston rod moves to the lower limit.
BiStable means that the cylinder has two stable states controlled by two digital inputs. If the input ExtendCylinder
is set to TRUE, the piston rod moves to the upper limit. If the input is set to FALSE, the piston rod stays at this position. If the second input RetractCylinder
is set to TRUE, the piston rod moves to the lower limit.
Indicates the maximum acting force that the piston rod is allowed to exert.
An input which moves the piston rod to the upper limit with the defined force if set to TRUE.
An input which moves the piston rod to the lower limit with the defined force if set to TRUE. This property is visible if the BiStable Mode
is defined.
An input which overrides the acting force. The used acting force is MaxForce * ProportionalOverride. This property is visible if the EnableProportionalOverride
property is enabled.
Outputs a value in m indicating the current position of the piston rod.
Outputs a value in m/s indicating the current speed of piston rod.
Outputs a value indicating whether the lower limit of the translation is reached or not.
Outputs a value indicating whether the upper limit of the translation is reached or not.
Indicates the current acting force on the piston rod.
In the following example a cylinder aligns boxes of different sizes by pressing them to a stop. With the KinematicCylinder simulation component, this would not work because with this component, the piston rod always moves to the same position independent to the box size.
The highlighted 3D object is defined as the PistonRod
. The housing is also defined.
Due to the fact that this simulation component can only move single dynamic 3D objects, a single 3D object has been created
from the grouped components containing e.g. the piston rod and the pushing plate. This can be done by the functionality DuplicateAsSingleObject
in the assembly structure.
Depending on the mass of the boxes and the single object 3D a MaxForce
of 50 N has been defined.
The mechanical limit of the cylinder is at 0.150 m therefore, this has been defined as the upper limit. The initial position of the piston rod is not at the retracted position, therefore, the InitialPosition
is also set.
In this case, the Mode
MonoStable has been chosen. Therefore the cylinder is controlled by a single output digital signal from a controller.
Further Information
For more details visit the Video Guides section, where you can find a video guide demonstrating this topic under Alignment cylinders.